Scouting sexy females....


and sexy males....


Who we are...

 WMHUNTERS is a webcam modeling agency. We are currently looking for guys and girls of all ages past the minimum age of 18yrs old, who have a desire to please and a drive for money. Models Make...
a. $1.00/minute for Exclusive Chat plus a weekly bonus of up to 30% on top of your pay.
b. $8.00 or more/minute for Premium Chat Premium Chat plus a weekly bonus of up to 30% on top of your pay. 

If your not at all shy, like to show off your assets to others, and enjoy the idea for making your own money at home, we are looking for you!


1. You must be 18 or older and able to prove it.
2. You must have a computer with high speed Internet access (min DSL Internet connection).
3. You must have a webcam.
4. You need access to a scanner and printer to process initially.
5. You must have a private uninterrupted space to work in.
6. You have a desire to make lots of money!
7. We accept male models, however to make the most money you must be willing to take on male webcam clients.
InternetModeling.com - Webcam Models Wanted!

Webcam model benefits....

1. You decide when and how much you want to work!
2. You earn money from the comfort of your home, as a full-time or part-time job!
3. Your privacy is #1, no one will ever know where you are, let only those you want see via webcam!
4. Start making money immediately with members ready to watch you right away!
5. Great commission base set for webcam models, with payouts every two weeks!
6. You will have the best support staff available to you 24hrs a day if ever you need it!
7. Our webcam models can earn extra more money by referring other models, members, and webmasters!


InternetModeling.com - Webcam Models Wanted!

  WMVANGUARDS sole purpose is to connect our models with some of our biggest client companies around the world. We  scout qualified models who want to work from the privacy of their own home while developing their income via webcam. 

Jamie Wilson
Wmvanguard Executive Agent